Monday, March 31

And then...

We just got back in the door. Not to worry, the blog hasn't ended yet, we've still got a bunch of pics to upload. I'll give it a go when I don't have jet lag brain.

Anyone trying to call me, sorry but Vodafone has screwed up again. Hoping to be up and running tomorrow.

Saturday, March 29

Bon Voyage!

It is certain that blogger hates me, just this blog though because Mayoress seems fine. Again, I can't upload any pics but I'll give it another go after lunch.

Our Van time is coming to an end which is a bit sad. A part of me wishes we spent less time at the snow and more time in Vancouver, which is a massive statement if you know how much the snow means to me.

The time we've spent here has been fantastic and quite unexpected. This is the kind of growth that you're meant to get on your gap year, when you're 18, traveling, experiencing new stuff and making changes in your life. I think I speak for all of us when I say that seeing our friends here being so successful and working so hard has been an inspiration. We're all coming back to Melbs a little changed for the better, we're going to work a bit harder - 2008 is going to be a big year.

I'm going to miss Van heaps - the homeless guy out the front that asks if we have mail and lets us know he's looking out for it (people think we are living in the building now...if only), the guy at the coffee shop that pretends he's going to steal my coffee, seeing the mountains towering over downtown, crackies singing to us on the street (it's not like the angry icies at home), Gastown, the corner of 12th and Granville, sweltering 9 degree weather, CHEAP cab rides - cabbies that know where they're going and will be delighted to pick you up even if it's a tiny fare, snowfalls in the city, Environmentally aware people - they recycle like mad here, Gas town, Boneta, Chambar and especially our old and new friends that we're leaving behind. Most importantly, Sopho, Josh, Anna - thanks for having us,  putting us up and putting up with us. Brand, Nico, Rhek and the Boneta crew, we'll all be taking a little piece of all of you back home.

I won't miss - OK coffee and the dark side of the city that was so desperate to have the 2010 Winter Olympics and are busting to put up new condo's and all sorts of other infrastructure but refuse to house the 11,ooo homeless, most of which sleep outside in downtown Van.

We'll see you guys soon...anyone heading to the Dunk launch at Provider on Tuesday? Gimmie a call, I'll let you know if the jet lag allows us to head out.


Thursday, March 27


Man sentenced after claiming what!?

Every day feels like the weekend

Blogger is killing me, but I'm keeping at it. Haven't been doing much touristy stuff here, mainly a little shopping and lots of eating and drinking. I'm wishing we had another few weeks here, we've been having way too much fun and now we're running out of time. I think a summer trip to VanCity is in order...

Not summer. It's been unseasonably cold here, hovering around 5 and 9 degrees. I wish I had another jacket and Mexi wishes his wasn't stolen.

This is how they buff in Van

Meicouver. Our night out at the Lamplighter we wished Soph D was there, it would have been even more fun (I had drinks for you though, Soph)

The lovely Nico

The boys - Mexi, Rhek, Brand

Rhek's new photo face

Oooh tasty shoes!

Pee pee alley

More flicks from around town...

Ha ha. Dooma, are you reading this?

Where do you live? Oh, I live on Leg-In-Boot Square.

The freshest toilets in Gastown - mouthwash and all at Guu Japanese restaurant. How trustworthy is mouthwash in a public loo? Probably not very.

We were heading home after dinner, all too tired and ready for bed. Someone decided that we should have, "1 more drink..." So it was off to the Greedy Pig. They were closed, but were nice enough to open up after we rattled the gates out front. They were also nice enough to play AC/DC who are coincidentally recording in Van at the moment.

Steph and Anna

Nicole, Sopho - cuteness

Some guys

Ryan and our '1 more drink' aka '4 more pints.

My fave photo sequence ever. Feat. Josh, Nicole, Brand and Sopho

Poor Sopho got knocked onto the floor at least 2 times. I had first go

Ohhh, we've seen that face before. Beer face.

Anna hailing us a cab

More Gastown Japanese. This ish looks pretty exciting!

"Closed - Waiting for stock" Hmmmm

It snowed yesterday. Just like when you get those quick but severe thunderstorms at home. We had the thunder and lightning and were pelted with snow with the consistency of huge bird poo's (anyone remember the Paul Jennings story 'birdsdo?' It was exactly like that). Mex thought it would be a good idea to ride home.
I think I speak for everyone when I say we had the tastiest, most incredible meal at Boneta last night. In Chenny's words, "That was amazing. It was the fanciest meal I'd ever had and I was drinking beers and listening to hip hop."

Neil making sure everything was OK. Nice drink Sopho, you're busted.

Mexi and Neil say goodbye - man style.

Home time

Sunday, March 23

Flicks so far

The infamous cracky bike

We've become real mature while we've been here. Ha ha ha. A diner for dogs? Snoop Doggs!

Those of us who didn't get cheap cracky bikes, hired some for the day to ride around Stanley park. A huge park downtown with a 10KM perimiter. When you're in the middle of it, it's hard to imagine you're even in the city. 

I took most of these pics while I was riding, so don't expect anything amazing.

The boys reading about totems. Educational!

Looking out to North Van

Lions Gate Bridge. It has 2 lanes heading North and 1 lane heading South. Every 15 minutes it changes direction (2 lanes South and 1 North), makes for some good traffic jams.

My essential riding equipment. It looks sunny out, but it's damn cold.