Saturday, April 5


Just about as boring as a slide show, but if you're keen to see some video, look here.

This is it

Well, here are the last lot of photos for the blog. Sure there are more floating around, but you'll have to see us in person to get the lot, or just be satisfied with the stories we tell. A bunch will be going on Facebook so if you can't get enough of us, have a look there too.

Sopho and Josh moved to the apartment next door, bigger and better with a familiar view that looked particularly awesome on this day:

Sopho being the bestest hostess around. Ice cream, cherry ripe and yes...booze

Our home for a few weeks, the 2 windows on the bottom left. It snowed for the last 3 days that we were in Van. Locals whinged but it was pretty exciting for us. Snowflakes as big as cotton balls. Never seen anything like it.

Josh and Sopho took us to eat the best burgers in Vancouver. Chips, cheese, gravy and onion rings weren't bad either.

The boys went out to an indoor skate park party (owned by an Aussie), saw the China Creeps play and took some nice B&W that makes it look like the early days of punk.

Nice shot of downtown Vancouver on our last day. The sun also decided to come out for once.

Last drinks at Boneta.

Art by Duncan MacCallum

Just around the corner - Blood Alley. Apparently the most haunted spot in Vancouver, there are a few stories about this spot, surrounding butchers used to hose blood into the alley at the end of each day, public executions were held here, murders, muggings...

Now it's just crackies fishing from bins. But seriously the whole Gastown area is pretty cool, we spend a bunch of our time here. Not long before this photo was taken, there was a fella dancing around half naked.

Last meal - wings! 

Bye cracky bike! Take good care of it Yass.

Airport goodbyes.

So, that's the end of it. Thanks for watching. Vids will be uploaded on Youtube...We'll prob hang on to the blog for the next holiday adventure. Until then, see ya!