Thursday, February 28

Generation Why

OK, so I'm going to be a total bitch (it's OK, karma already got me by making my camera fall out on to the wet toilet floor. Yeah gross, I threw the arm strap in the bin). I know I'm going to sound like a complete hater, but Mexi and I are embarrassed to be Aussie.

Adelaide is in town:

Mex and I headed down to the sold out show at Sam's to say a quick hello to the boys. I kind of expected the place to be full of rowdy Aussies, but it was worse than that. The door list was written on the back of a receipt, promoters were aimlessly wandering around acting like they were king shit and shitlets. Yeah, I see your gigantic backstage pass. Here's a tip - don't get wasted at the gig you're promoting. You may have spent hours getting dressed and putting your make up on, but your gurn face doesn't match your outfit.

Aussie snowboarding generation Y's make up the majority of the mountain. I've had my turn living, working and partying here, but it was never like this. Maybe I'm getting old... Pretty much everyone had their gurn on and 90% of them were idiot beer spilling, badly dressed, yahoo-ing jerks.

Girls - just because I ask where you got your shoes, doesn't mean you need to do the 'I'm pointing at you and we're friends' dance. Don't look me up and down for no reason and if you want to get past, don't f'n touch or push me, especially if you're a guy.

There was dirty dancing

The hype man was getting the crowd rowdy by yelling "Hilltop Hoods! Are you ready? I want to see some crowd surfing!" after every track Reflux played. Shortly followed up with "You all need to calm down or they won't come on stage. The security are getting mad!"

No disrespect to the Hoods and Reflux at all. The show was good as always, it was just the punters that made it slightly unbearable.

Someone wanted to take our photo

This is her

When we left, the toilet had moved outside

And the cops came. 911 is a joke.

...yep, looks like I'm old and bitter.

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